Search Results
Tree Rings, Dating and Changing Climates - Dr Geoff Downes
Tree ring dating - Kent Hovind
SAVE OUR PLANET - European tree ring data reveals how climate change affected civilizations
Early Navajos, Tree-rings, and Warfare in the Dinétah Heartland
Stop debating Creationists
The Dating Game, Featuring Dr Emil Silvestru
Geoff Downes (YES) zaprasza na koncert w Polsce (2.06.2014, Sala Kongresowa)
YEC Argument - Oldest Tree Is 4300 Years Old
Two more reasons Evolutionists/Atheists have faith. Ice layers and tree rings don't date the earth.
Rearrange Your Liver - Rehearsal with Geoff Downes (YES) and Shanti Lleone for gig at the MGM Grand
Combining Environmentalism and Faith
Elephants in the Room, Featuring Dr Mark Harwood